Hi Lovies,
It's hard to believe that the summer is coming to a close, this weekend is the unofficial end with Labor Day quickly approaching. I have to say this has been one of the quickest one ever for me. I will chuck that up to having way too much fun and I am ok with that. I did promise myself that this summer I would make it my business to enjoy myself. Besides doing fun things here with friends and family like BBQ's, pools, etc, I was able to get away for a weekend with my Beau to Puerto Rico (see here). Then literally 2 days later I was off to LA with my Instagram Wives. Besides making a promise to myself to have fun this season, I also promised myself that I wasn't going to get hung up on being beach body ready. As we women we tend to stress all year long about bodies being ready for the summer. While yes some women do achieve their "Beach Body" and that's great, I on the other hand said "to hell with it!" I threw caution to the wind, put on as many swimsuits that I could this summer and strutted my stuff with the utmost confidence. And you know what? It felt fantastic!
I was able to take these cool shots while on my trip in California. Me and The Instagram Wives headed to Santa Monica beach and got to dip our feet in the pacific ocean. It was the perfect day to just enjoy each other's company, cut loose, let our inhibitions go and take in the beautiful scenery of Santa Monica Beach.
Big thanks to Lizza of www.Fabulizza.com for these amazing shots!
Thanks for reading!
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