January 2018

Winter Pineapple

Shop Gwynnie Bee! Start Your Free Trial Today! Hi Lovies,

One of my favorite things to do is take some of my spring/summer pieces and winter-fy them. This is a great way for me to be able to wear certain pieces that I really love during the colder months. Shopping my closet and remixing pieces is a great way to get my creative juices flowing. Not to mention how it saves me some money not having to buy new clothes for that particular season. That's when my Gwynnie  Bee subscription comes into play as well. When I received this gorgeous Pineapple Print Wrap Dress from Unique Vintage in my GB box, I was so happy but then I realized that it wasn't really season appropriate. But that wasn't going to stop me from wearing it now. Luckily also in my box was this stunning and warm Velvet Moto Jacket from INC International Concepts. I am literally obsessed with both of these piece. The dress is such a statement piece, super sexy and sophisticated. I've been looking for a velvet moto to add to my collection and I think I found it. The channel-quilted sleeves made this so edgy while the gorgeous green velvet gave the jacket such elegance. These two pieces paired so well together and the jacket added the extra warmth I need to wear this now.

Plus Size Remix: TF Diaries

Hi Lovies,

Yes, you read the title of this post correctly, the Plus Size Remix is back! I feel like a total trash human for not bringing this feature to the blog every month last year like I promised but stuff happens. But now with the new year here, I hope to be able to bring it to you more frequently. So if you're new to the blog and don't know what the PSR feature is, it's a monthly feature where I take a look that inspires me and remix it into a plus size version. I totally enjoy these remixes and I get most of my inspiration from Pinterest. I love doing these looks, putting my personal touch to the it and making it my own. 

Stepping into 2018

Hi Lovies,

The holidays are over and we are officially 3 days in to the New Year. With that there is always a looming feeling that it's a new year, so it's time for a new me. While I do take this time to kinda re-evaluate my life and think about things I can do to make it better, I don't make it a priority. Of course it's important to want to do better in all aspects of your life and push yourself but you want to set goals that are actually realistic and reachable. By no means does this mean not to set your goals high, everyone is different when it comes to this type of thing. But you don't want to overwhelm yourself with a goal that is too far fetched and when they aren't met, you feel disappointed with yourself. What I like to do is set smaller attainable goals that are important to me but if they aren't met I won't be hard on myself about them. This way trying to reach those goals is more fun and doesn't put so much pressure on me. If it happens then great, if it doesn't well then that's ok too. With everything that's happening in the world lately, it's important not to sweat the little things and take the time to focus on the things that means the most to you.

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