#HonorMyCurves Feature

#HonorMyCurves Feature

Hi Lovies!

I'm so excited to I can barely type this post but yours truly has been featured in the July/August issue of Skorch Magazine! I was part of the #honormycurves column written by the wonderful Honor Curves. I was ecstatic when she reached out to me and asked if I would like to be featured in the magazine. If you've never heard of Honor Curves and her #honormycurves movment, its an instagram page where she encourages self love and acceptance of your body, no matter the size, shape or color. #honormycurves has gotten so big, Skorch Magazine asked her to join their team with a monthly column featuring 3-4 girls, asking them what honoring their curves means to them. I'm super grateful to Honor Curves for choosing me as one of the girls to be featured this month! To see the full article on Skorch Magazine click here and to follow the #honormycurves movement you can follow her on instagram here or her twitter page here.

Until next time Lovies!

~ La Pecosa Preciosa

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