La Pecosa Preciosa

Age Ain't Nothing But A Number

Hi Lovies,

In the world of fashion, there can be many rules that society likes to put on it, especially when it comes to age. They feel a woman of a certain age should be wearing clothing that is age appropriate. Now why I may agree with this to a certain extent, I do believe that women should be able to wear whatever makes them feel good. Being an older women in a world that feels fashion is for the young, I like to push the envelope and show the world that age ain't nothing but a number. With my 44th birthday coming up next week, I've never felt so youthful and daring with my fashion. I want to inspire other women like me to break the rules and show the world we can be just as fashionable as the rest of them.


The Perfect Silhouette

Hi Lovies,

Becoming a blogger has definitely helped me understand my body shape and what works best for it. Honestly once you figure that out, shopping and finding clothing for yourself is a breeze. But sometimes the problem with that is you will stick to one kind of silhouette. Even with myself, I like to keep it safe and go with pieces that I know are going to look good on me. As you know as of late I have been stepping out of my comfort zone and expanding my fashion. That's where my Gwynnie Bee subscription comes into play. I love that I have access to a plethora of brands that I might have never tried before and silhouettes that I was hesitant to try. There's no commitment either, if you get an item that doesn't work, you can easily send it back and try some thing else. 


Leather Love

Hi Lovies,

When it comes to the Fall, I am all about wearing different fabrics and textures. One of my favorites fabrics to wear is of course leather. Now most of my leather pieces are faux and there's nothing wrong with that. A lot of the faux leather choices that are out there for plus are made very well and look just as good as the real. Another thing I love about leather is how versatile it is. Most people associate it with being edgy but it can also be very feminine as well. I like the best of both worlds and decided to incorporate them together to create this look which I call Elegantly Edgy. I love a good print and if you've been following me for a while then you know I am obsessed with anything animal print. This Giraffe Print Off the Shoulder Top was the perfect pairing for the skirt. The print added some contrast to the look as well as a touch of sexiness.

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