La Pecosa Preciosa

Splurge vs. Steal: Slip-on Sneakers

Hey Lovies!

As you may know, I'm not a fan of sneakers and own only one pair that was literally worn once! Nonetheless, I've found myself drawn to the whole slip-on sneaker rave. They look super comfortable and can go with a bunch of different things in my wardrobe. Plus there's no rhyme or reason to them, you literally just slip them on and keep it moving. No laces to deal with, straps etc.. I've been looking into getting a pair and of course I fell in love with the leopard print version (duh!). I'm all for a bargain, so before I invest in anything I do my research and see what I can find at the best price. Now some folks are all about brand names and luxury, me on the other hand doesn't mind finding a knock off that can easily be pulled off as the designer version. Here are a few that I found online.

Getting Out of Your Wardrobe Slump: Wearing dresses as skirts

Hi Lovies!

No matter how much clothing you have, there's always that inevitable wardrobe slump. You stand in front of your overflowing closet and utter the words "I have nothing to wear!" I know it's crazy but we all go through it. I've been trying to be good about over shopping and spending unnecessarily, especially with my son graduating high school this year and going to college. During this time I am super grateful for my Gwynnie Bee subscription (read about them here) and my ample wardrobe. But what do you do when you're bored with everything you have?? That's when you get creative and take a really good look at your wardrobe to come up with new and fresh styles with what you already have. My new favorite thing to do is wearing my dresses as a skirt. It changes the whole look and gives you the opportunity to add more to the outfit to make it unique. 

Crop Top Obsessed

Hi Lovies!

I know I might be kind of late but I have totally become crop top obsessed! As my confidence has grown over the last year and a half since blogging, I find myself becoming more daring with my fashion. Things that I told myself that I'll never be caught dead in, are more appealing to me and the crop top is one of them. Now if you follow my blog, you know that I try to keep my style classy and sophisticated. You're definitely not going to see me in a ratchet crop top ensemble with booty shorts lol. I went for a comfy, urban, casual look with a graphic crop tee and harem pants.

Bandelettes Blogger Event

Hi Lovies!

Last night I attended an event given by the company Bandelettes. It was sort of a meet and greet, get acquainted with the product, and mingle with the staff as well as other bloggers event. Julie and Rena the owners of the company and their staff were total dolls, so welcoming, funny and sweet. They provided us with delicious cocktails and yummy treats throughout the night as well as having a manicure station for anyone who want to pretty up their nails. We all got measured by Julie to be fitted with the correct size Bandelettes and was given complimentary pairs! 

SWAK Designs: Pretty Cami Challenge

Hi Lovies!

I'm back again with another feature showcasing SWAK Designs!  This time we had to style one of their best selling plus size tops, the Pretty Cami. When SWAK gifted me a few things back in December, one of the items was the Pretty Cami in purple and I instantly feel in love with it. It's such a feminine, fun,  girly top, with the delicate straps and the flowing fit. I also enjoy how comfortable and soft it is. SWAK has brought the cami back in brand new fresh colors for the upcoming season. Us blogger were ask to style it, make it our own and show our readers just how versatile this awesome camisole is. 

Skimlinks Test