La Pecosa Preciosa

Birthday Weekend in Atlantic City: Part Two

Saturdays agenda consisted of The AC Aquarium, walking the boardwalk and The Legends in Concert show at the Bally's with ending the night with drinks at the Mountain Bar where it's 24hrs happy hour! The day was cloudy as the approaching Hurricane Sandy made it's way towards us. But it was still cool enough to walk on the beach. I decided to take a few shots of my outfit here.

Birthday Weekend in Atlantic City: Part One

I decided to spend the weekend before my birthday in Atlantic City with my Beau. Wanted to do something different but not spend too much money traveling some where farther. I've only been once to AC and it was many moons ago. Me and my BF aren't huge gamblers so I wanted to try and see the sights, do some shopping at the outlets, see a show and of course walk the boardwalk. I don't have many pics of the few outfits I wore because my memory card on my DSLR camera all of a sudden got messed up. Thank goodness I brought my trusty point and shoot and I also use my cellphone to take some shots as well.

Liebster Award

I'm so excited to announce that I have been nominated for my first award, The Liebster Award! I want to thank the lovely and stylish Dionne from Supersize my Fashion (click the name of the blog to check her out) for nominating me!

The Rules:

1. Thank the one who nominated you.
2. Write 11 things about yourself.
3. Nominate promising bloggers who have less than 200 followers and tag them in your post.
4. You have to give them 11 questions to answer.
5. You should not tag back.
11 Things about myself:
  1.  I am a single mom to a 16yr old son named Ethan
  2. I'm a self taught baker
  3. I am a total Harry Potter geek/fan. I've read the books (several times) and have the audio versions on my iPod and listen to them often
  4. I despise mayonnaise
  5. I love my freckles
  6. My birthday is on Halloween and love to collect anything Halloween related
  7. I adore dogs of any shape, size and color 
  8. I have a very good singing voice but only sing in front of people if I've been drinking
  9. I love that I live in Spanish Harlem, NYC
  10. I have a love/hate relationship with my unruly curly hair
  11. I've been coloring my hair red for so long, that some people actually think I'm a true red head lol

My answers to the questions given to me by Dionne:

1. What inspired you to start your own blog?
When I came across Gabifresh and Nicolette Mason's blogs. They were such an inspiration to us plus size women and show us that no matter what your size, always be confident. So I did!
2. What are your favorite places to shop?
Forever 21, ASOS, Torrid
3. What's your guilty pleasure?
Jersey Shore
4. When getting dressed, is there an item you build the rest of your outfit around? If so, what is it?
Yes, it's usually my Cropped Military Blazer, (seen here) I always want to wear it but I know I can't lol
5. What do you usually wear on your day off, around the house?
It depends. I'm usually with my boyfriend on the weekends so I like to dress up but if I'm home I'm usually in my pj's.
6. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Isn't it obvious? SHOPPING!!! lol!
7. Single, in love, engaged or married?
Totally taken and in love with my boyfriend Eric of almost 3yrs
8. What's your favorite movie?
Ugh! it's so hard to pick just one but I'll have to say Clueless
9. Is there a saying or phrase you live by? If so, what is it?
Carpe Diem
10. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
World Peace (corny but true) Wealth, and three more wishes lol
11. If you had an opportunity to style a celebrity (female), who would you style?
America Ferrera
I'm nominating:
  1. Alissa from The Adored Life
  2. Lindsey from Know Better Now
  3. Leslie from La Mujer Decente
  4. Monica from Thirty Something Chic
  5. Karen Allen from Hablamos Fashion
  6. Rebecca Perez from Justbecca's Vintage Jewelry
  7. Tatianna from Style Remaining Fashion Fading
My questions for you:
  1. What inspired you to start your own blog?
  2. What's your all time favorite food?
  3. What did you want to be when you grew up?
  4. What can't you live without?
  5. Do you like twitter or facebook better?
  6. What is one thing you do everyday that makes you happy?
  7. What is your dream vacation ?
  8. What shows do you enjoy watching?
  9. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  10. What is your favorite pastime?
  11. What is your fav song?
Thanks again to Dionne for nominating me and I hope you enjoyed getting to know me better!
Until next time Lovies
~ La Pecosa Preciosa

Military Chic

I love eBay for shopping and finding different and unique things. You can also find clothing from past seasons that people are selling which I think is great! I scored this adorable dress from Forever 21 as well as my favorite Cropped Military Blazer from Torrid off of eBay.. The dress is a great fit and love the tiered design which makes it very cowgirl looking. The blazer is another piece that I wish I could wear everyday, and was so happy when I found it on eBay. Makes me feel like I should be part of a marching band lol. The shimmery gold stripes on the shoulders, sleeves and front make it all the more lavish looking. So it gave my simple burnt orange dress a touch of fancy.

From day to night

Friday night I met up with my home girl at one of our fav happy hour spots. Since I was meeting her after work, I wanted to wear something that could go from day to night. I went with a Chiffon Animal Print Dress from Ashley Stewart. I adore the beautiful watercolor animal print as well as the color combo. It also has an elastic waistband for added stretch. For work, I added my Blue Shawl Lapel Blazer from Forever 21 to have a more conservative look.

OOTD: Ferociously Furry

Yesterday searching through my Fall clothing, I came across my favorite Cropped Fur Trim Cardigan from Torrid. I haven't worn it in forever, so I decided to put together an outfit just so I can wear it! This cardigan is adorable, if I could wear it with all my outfits, I would lol. It has a a single button, 3/4 sleeves and made of the softest material. The fur collar gives any outfit a touch of posh.

Look what I found!

When I was packing my bag for my usual weekend with my Beau, I decided to go digging in some of my fall clothing. What's good about digging is you come across stuff you forgot you had. Like this Kimono Blouse and skinny jeans from Fashion to Figure that I bought last year. I love the colors, the blue, red and black makes the this top pop and the plunge line gives a more sexy appeal to it. The smocking in the middle enhances your waist and shows off more of your curves as well. The jeans are also a great fit and they hold up well after a few wears.

OOTD: Courageously Camouflage

I was very excited when I scored this Camouflage Blazer and Felicia Cognac Fur Trim Wedge Boots both from Torrid off of eBay. I normally don't fall into the whole bidding war thing because you could get carried away and spend way too much money on something. But I wasn't going to lose out on these two items and ended up getting them both for pretty good prices.

Be an inspiration

Before I decided to start a plus size blog, I spent hours reading them. It was so much fun reading all the other fantastic blogs and getting to know the women behind them. I swooned over their photos, loved each individuals personal style and what an inspiration they were to the plus size community. 

Since then, I have been inspired by many of my fellow bloggers to start my own blog. And I have to say it has been nothing but pure enjoyment. Despite my short time as a plus size blogger, I have already obtain a bit of a fan base and could only hope it keeps growing. It's a very rewarding feeling when someone tells you that they were inspired by one of your outfits or took your advice on a store that I reviewed and was very pleased with their purchase. I get inspired everyday by other plus size/curvy bloggers and wanted to feature  three of my  favorite ones.

OOTN: Ain't nothing but a Houndstooth!

Friday was my friend Vanessa's birthday and she was having it at one of my favorite happy hour restaurants Pazza Notte. They have 2 for 1 martinis ALL day! It was unseasonably cold in NYC on Friday so I actually had to wear a coat. I was very excited because my outfit for the night consisted of all new pieces! I pulled out my Belted Wool Cape from Walmart, my Houndstooth Blazer from Ashley Stewart along with my Pleated Faux Leather Skirt from Forever 21.

Skimlinks Test